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The Palmetto Health District: Promoting Healthy Congregations Project

A Good Idea

This practice has been Archived and is no longer maintained.


In 2002, the South Carolina Cardiovascular Health Program provided funding and training to eight health districts to implement cardiovascular health projects in collaboration with local community partners. Each of the eight districts sponsored activities and training designed to create heart-healthy policies and environmental supports in African American communities. The Palmetto Health District: Promoting Healthy Congregations Project focuses on increasing heart-healthy policy and environmental supports in faith-based organizations. The project is developing a community asset map to identify strengths, assets, and resources within the community; creating a community-wide media campaign (including print and broadcast channels) to increase awareness about high blood pressure and the signs and symptoms of heart disease and stroke; and conducting CVD interventions that create policy and environmental changes to help make members of the church more heart-healthy. Churches and faith organizations select and implement specific policies and environmental strategies appropriate to their needs that address high blood pressure, high cholesterol, tobacco use, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to help prevent cardiovascular disease through education and interventions.

Results / Accomplishments

In South Carolina, African Americans are at an increased risk of developing heart disease and stroke across all age and socioeconomic groups. Efforts to focus on this population through local community partners should result in strong social support for policy and environmental interventions that encourage heart-healthy behaviors.

About this Promising Practice

The South Carolina Cardiovascular Health Program
Primary Contact
South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Bureau of Community Health
Box 101106
Columbia, South Carolina 29211
(803) 898-0267
Health / Heart Disease & Stroke
The South Carolina Cardiovascular Health Program
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Steps to a Healthier U.S.
Date of publication
Date of implementation
South Carolina
Target Audience
Racial/Ethnic Minorities