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Community Frameworks

A Good Idea


Community Frameworks' mission is to support and develop affordable housing so that individuals, families, and neighborhoods can build communities.

Community Frameworks has two Direct Development Initiatives: HomeStarts and Development Services. HomeStarts helps to produce affordable homes for low-income individuals or families to purchase. Development Services develops affordable housing for organizational clients in the locations they serve.

In addition, Community Frameworks has two Capacity Building Initiatives. The first, SHOP, provides HUD pass-through grant funds and technical assistance to affiliated homeownership programs. The second program, Technical Assistance, offers various organizational and housing development services and training to improve or enhance the abilities of other organizations to produce and manage affordable housing.

Goal / Mission

Community Frameworks' mission is to support and develop affordable housing so that individuals, families, and neighborhoods can build communities.

Results / Accomplishments

Community Frameworks has been in operation for over 35 years. As of 2008, Community Frameworks had constructed 127 single family homes and 36 condos for families who were able to purchase the homes because they helped to construct them. In addition, 696 low-income rental units and 128 shelter beds had been developed or preserved.

About this Promising Practice

Community Frameworks
Primary Contact
315 W. Mission Avenue, Suite 100
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 484-6733
Economy / Housing & Homes
Community Frameworks
For more details
Target Audience
Adults, Families
Additional Audience